The tragedy that is  Kanye’s faith. From “Jesus is King” to Adult Content Company?

The tragedy that is  Kanye's faith. From “Jesus is King” to Adult Content Company?

In recent years, Kanye West has been a subject of fascination not only for his musical prowess and fashion statements but also for his tumultuous personal journey. From addiction struggles to controversial decisions, his narrative has captivated audiences worldwide, shedding light on the complexities of fame, faith, and personal transformation. But as the verse goes … Read more

Viral Video of a Teacher Using Much-Needed Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking

A teacher goes viral for applying common sense and critical thinking to answer a student’s loaded question. The conversation in the YouTube video centers around discussions about JK Rowling and her controversial history. The participants aim to explore whether Rowling holds bigoted opinions, specifically focusing on her perceived transphobic statements. An example from 2019 is … Read more

Best Christian Museums

Christian Museums

The United States is home to several outstanding museums that cater to Christian history, art, and culture. Here are some of the best Christian museums in the USA: These museums offer enriching experiences for Christians and anyone interested in exploring the intersection of faith, history, and culture in the United States. Each provides unique insights … Read more