Best Christian Sermons of All Time 

Welcome to a collection of the most powerful and inspiring Christian sermons of all time. These timeless messages have resonated across generations, touching the hearts and souls of believers around the world. In these sermons, you will encounter the wisdom, passion, and transformative power of the gospel proclaimed by some of the most influential preachers throughout history.

1) Brokenness is a profound sermon delivered by Voddie Baucham, a prominent pastor, author, and speaker known for his uncompromising commitment to biblical truth. In this message, Baucham explores the concept of brokenness from a Christian perspective, challenging listeners to embrace their brokenness as a pathway to spiritual growth and transformation.

Throughout the sermon, Baucham draws upon biblical passages and personal anecdotes to illustrate the importance of brokenness in the life of a believer. He emphasizes that brokenness is not a sign of weakness, but rather a necessary condition for God to work in our lives and mold us into the image of Christ.

Baucham delves into the various ways in which brokenness can manifest itself, whether through personal failures, trials, or suffering. He encourages listeners to embrace their brokenness rather than trying to hide or mask it, recognizing that it is through our weaknesses that God’s strength is made perfect.

One of the central themes of Baucham’s message is the redemptive power of brokenness. He highlights how God can take our brokenness and use it for His glory, bringing healing, restoration, and ultimately, greater intimacy with Him.

Baucham also challenges listeners to adopt a posture of humility and dependence on God, recognizing that our own strength and self-sufficiency are insufficient apart from Him. He calls believers to surrender their lives fully to God, allowing Him to work in and through their brokenness for His purposes.

Ultimately, “Brokenness” serves as a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness and sovereignty in the midst of life’s trials and challenges. It encourages listeners to trust in God’s goodness and to embrace their brokenness as a pathway to deeper intimacy with Him.

2) Sermon on the Mount – Our Savior, Jesus Christ by the late Dr. S.M. Lockridge embarks on an awe-inspiring journey, unveiling the profound power and majesty of our Creator. It delves into the remarkable work His Son, Christ Jesus, achieved upon the cross, culminating in the triumphant victory of His resurrection!

3) A Shocking Youth Message, By Paul Washer delivered at a youth conference, gained significant attention for its intensity and straightforwardness.

In this message, Washer presents a stark contrast between the cultural perception of Christianity and the true, radical call of discipleship as outlined in the Bible. He challenges the audience to examine their hearts and question whether they are genuinely living for Christ or merely going through the motions of religious tradition.

Washer doesn’t mince words as he addresses issues such as lukewarm faith, hypocrisy, and the dangers of relying on an emotional experience rather than genuine repentance and surrender to God. He emphasizes the seriousness of sin and the urgent need for true repentance and holiness in the lives of believers.

Throughout the message, Washer passionately emphasizes the high cost of following Christ, emphasizing that true discipleship requires total surrender and willingness to forsake everything for the sake of the gospel. He urges listeners to examine their lives in light of Scripture and to wholeheartedly commit themselves to Christ, regardless of the cost.

The shocking aspect of Washer’s message lies in its uncompromising call to radical discipleship and its rejection of a watered-down, culturally acceptable version of Christianity. His words cut through complacency and challenge listeners to reevaluate their priorities and devotion to Christ, making it a stirring and impactful message for those who hear it.

4) A Call to Anguish” is a powerful sermon delivered by David Wilkerson, the founder of Teen Challenge and author of “The Cross and the Switchblade.” In this message, Wilkerson passionately addresses the spiritual apathy and complacency that he perceives within the Christian community.

The sermon begins with Wilkerson expressing his deep concern for the state of the Church, particularly in light of the moral decay and rampant sinfulness prevalent in society. He emphasizes the need for Christians to respond with a sense of urgency and anguish over the spiritual condition of the world.

Wilkerson draws upon biblical examples, particularly the prophet Jeremiah, to illustrate the kind of deep, heartfelt burden that Christians should have for the lost and for the state of society. He contrasts this with the lukewarmness and indifference that often characterize modern Christianity.

Throughout the sermon, Wilkerson challenges believers to confront their own complacency and to seek God with a fervent, desperate passion. He emphasizes the importance of prayer and intercession as powerful weapons in the spiritual battle against evil.

One of the key points of “A Call to Anguish” is Wilkerson’s call for Christians to move beyond mere intellectual assent to their faith and to embrace a deeper, more passionate relationship with God. He urges believers to cultivate a genuine love for God and a heart that is broken over sin, both in their own lives and in the world around them.

Ultimately, “A Call to Anguish” serves as a stirring call to action for Christians to wake up from spiritual lethargy and to embrace a life of radical obedience and fervent prayer. It challenges listeners to reevaluate their priorities and to pursue God with a renewed sense of urgency and passion.

5) You Have One Life, Don’t Waste It” is a compelling message delivered by John Piper, a prominent Christian author, theologian, and pastor. In this sermon, Piper emphasizes the importance of living with purpose and intentionality in light of the brevity of life.

Piper begins by acknowledging the reality that each person has only one life to live on this earth. He highlights the fleeting nature of time and encourages listeners to make the most of every moment they have been given.

Throughout the message, Piper draws upon biblical wisdom to underscore the significance of living for eternity rather than being consumed by the temporary pleasures and pursuits of this world. He challenges believers to prioritize their relationship with God and to seek His kingdom above all else.

One of the central themes of “You Have One Life, Don’t Waste It” is the concept of stewardship. Piper emphasizes that every aspect of life – time, talents, resources – is a gift from God and should be used wisely and faithfully for His glory.

Piper also addresses the danger of wasting one’s life on trivial pursuits or selfish ambitions. He encourages listeners to consider the eternal implications of their choices and to invest their time and energy in things that have lasting significance.

Throughout the sermon, Piper provides practical guidance on how to live a life that honors God and makes a difference in the world. He emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s will, cultivating a heart of gratitude, and living with a sense of urgency in light of eternity.

Ultimately, “You Have One Life, Don’t Waste It” serves as a powerful reminder for believers to live with purpose and passion, making the most of every opportunity to glorify God and advance His kingdom in the world. It challenges listeners to reevaluate their priorities and to live in a way that reflects the eternal values of the kingdom of God.

6) That’s My King is a renowned sermon delivered by the late Dr. S.M. Lockridge, a prominent preacher known for his passionate delivery and powerful oratory style. In this sermon, Lockridge vividly describes the attributes and sovereignty of Jesus Christ, portraying Him as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Throughout “That’s My King,” Lockridge paints a vivid picture of the greatness and majesty of Christ, using poetic language and vivid imagery to convey the incomparable nature of His character. He describes Jesus as the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, and the One who holds all things together by the power of His word.

Lockridge’s sermon is characterized by its rhythmic cadence and repeated refrain of “That’s my king!” as he extols the various attributes and accomplishments of Jesus Christ. He highlights Christ’s role as Savior, Redeemer, and Conqueror, emphasizing His victory over sin and death through His sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection.

“That’s My King” is a powerful proclamation of the gospel message, inviting listeners to consider the significance of Jesus Christ in their lives and to surrender to His lordship. Lockridge’s passionate delivery and compelling imagery continue to resonate with audiences, inspiring them to worship and exalt the King of Kings.

In conclusion these Christian sermons offer a profound source of wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for believers and seekers alike. From the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ to the eloquent expositions of renowned preachers, these sermons resonate across generations, transcending barriers of time and culture. They speak to the deepest yearnings of the human heart, offering hope, redemption, and transformation.

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