International Christian Concern Fights for over 200 Million Persecuted Christians Worldwide.

International Christian Concern Fights for over 200 Million Persecuted Christians Worldwide. Its mission: to bandage the wounds of persecuted Christians and to build the church in the most challenging parts of the world while awakening public awareness about the tragic issue of Christian persecution
around the world

WASHINGTON — Religious persecution of Christians is an open secret in today’s secular media. Many think that because the mainstream media does not cover it, that it’s not a big problem. That’s where International Christian Concern (ICC) ( steps in.

“The fact is that ICC fights for over 200 million persecuted Christians worldwide — venturing into the darkest corners of the world where thousands of Christians were killed this year alone for simply identifying as a follower of Jesus,” says Jeff King, President of ICC.

Since 1995, ICC has served the global persecuted church through its three-pronged approach of assistance, advocacy, and awareness. ICC exists to bandage the wounds of persecuted Christians and to build the church in the toughest parts of the world.

“Whether it’s North Korea, Nigeria, Iran, or one of the many other places we work, ICC has developed a unique, tri-fold approach to fight persecution built around Assistance, Advocacy, and Awareness,” says King.

Assistance by caring for the wives and children of martyred pastors, and rebuilding communities when attacked. They build the church by broadcasting the gospel, delivering Bibles, and training and equipping pastors.

In Pakistan, ICC stepped in to assist Smith Sabir, who was orphaned as a boy when his parents were martyred in a bombing. ICC stayed with him, adopted him and assisted him through the best primary schools and then through college. Ten years later, Smith Sabir wrote to ICC to tell them how ICC’s Assistance changed his life: “Often I keep thinking about God’s strange plans. He took my parents to heaven, but He gave me ICC to take care [of] me, stand with me, strengthen me, and to build my future. I have learned a lot from ICC on how to love others and engage in charity work. I would love to follow in ICC’s footsteps in the future if I could.”

Advocacy by seeking to influence policies and legislation that touch the daily lives of the persecuted. Through ICC’s work with U.S. legislators and the U.S. Department of State, they help free prisoners and push back against countries that persecute Christians.

Advocacy assistance is given to Evangelical leaders overseas who receive threats of being locked up for years, fined several thousand dollars, and have their churches shut down. After Jeff King took one of these leaders to meet with legislators in D.C., “Two weeks later he wrote to me, ‘We know someone has been talking in Washington. Please remember if there’s ever a problem, come to us to discuss! You are free to operate with no charges or fines against you!’”

Awareness by exposing persecution around the world that the mainstream press ignores. ICC awakens the church and the world to the very real sufferings of God’s children via daily news updates, social media, investigative reporting, and ICC’s monthly magazine, “Persecution.”.

What makes International Christian Concern (ICC) unique?

ICC offers:

Overseas Expertise and Agility – ICC’s expertise in geopolitical matters has made them the go-to source of intelligence for developing crisis situations around the world. ICC is fast and nimble, allowing it to get in where others can’t, enabling it to execute difficult missions on the ground. “We are able to hear of attacks and future developments in numerous lighting rod countries as well as to get relief in quickly because of our network of approximately 100 indigenous staff overseas,” says King.

Integrity – ICC has a Five-Star Charity Navigator Rating with 28 years in ministry and has a long history of growth.

Long-term Care – ICC works with victims, long term when needed, but does not create dependency.

“Ministry first” mindset – ICC puts ministry before fundraising, serving the Lord and the persecuted first. ICC believes funds follow faithfulness.

Who does ICC Serve?

“At the core, we are evangelical, but we are non-denominational. We affirm the Apostles’ Creed and believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, but we assist persecuted Christians from all denominational backgrounds. This includes Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox believers.” The days of denominational division must end. All who call Christ King must band together in these difficult days despite important theological differences,” says ICC President, Jeff King.

Since 1995, ICC has served the global persecuted church through a three-pronged approach of assistance, advocacy, and awareness. ICC exists to bandage the wounds of persecuted Christians and to build the church in the toughest parts of the world. Visit the International Christian Concern media page here. Learn more about International Christian Concern at its website, www.persecution.orgFacebookInstagramLinkedInTwitter and YouTube pages. 

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