Earth Day And Christianity

Jay Kim and Gavin Ortlund

Jay Kim and Gavin Ortlund discuss the importance of environmental sustainability from a Christian perspective, emphasizing stewardship and care for creation as integral to loving our neighbors. They address the complexity and politicization of environmental issues, advocating for a balanced approach grounded in biblical principles. Their conversation advocates for a nuanced understanding that balances personal convictions with the broader Christian call to love and care for creation.

Mark Driscoll Kicked Out From the Conference for Calling out Bizare Pole Acrobatics

Mark Driscoll

In a bizarre incident that happened this weekend, Pastor Mark Driscoll called out the very people he was invited by. This happened at the Stronger Conference for men. Mark took issue with a weird display of acrobatics that some perceived as a lewd display of pole dancing. While Mark Driscoll is no stranger to controversy, … Read more