Our condemnation of war crimes proves that God exists

Our condemnation of war crimes proves that God exists. Given the current circumstances and situation in Ukraine, so many people pointed out how wrong it is for the Russian army to attack civilians. However, suppose you were to ask the Russian leadership why they are doing this, they would find ways to justify their horrible, atrocious acts of violence against an otherwise friendly neighbor. 

This is simply because they think these are just means of achieving their “national security goals” or “liberating the minorities’ goal,” Which, in their view, is more significant of a moral cause. 

For them, this is also a war against the ideology and corruption of the west and a fight against the cultural corruption of the west in promoting sinful things like homosexuality and transgenderism. 

Even though most people would never question if violence against innocent civilians is acceptable, yet when someone engages in violence, they always have an excuse for their violence because they approach this situation from their perspective of morality, not God’s standard. 

So, as a  result, like so many times in history, we see a dictator drunk on power justify even the worse things because he is trying to achieve a greater goal because, in his demented reality, this is the right thing to do. 

As such, the world is horrified as it should be at this display of aggression and violence of Russian leadership against Ukraine. Democrats and Republicans are united and vocal in condemnation of this evil. 

However, in contrast, the world is not as vocal on the aggression of China against the Uyghurs or, should I dare say, the American violence against the unborn through abortions. Because you see, those things are either things that don’t affect us much or that we find them somewhat acceptable. 

This is not whataboutism; yes, the war in Ukraine is ugly and heartbreaking, but so are the things we refuse to see, like, prison camps, abortion, and pornography which causes a demand for sex trafficking.  

Without a standard for morality, we are all prone to turning a blind eye to the evil we see. We are all at the mercy of our ever-changing ideals, feelings, desires, and shifting norms. If we don’t hold to a higher standard, we are too prone to be influenced by our corruption, hell itself, and the corruption of the world; it’s no wonder why our decisions are often so misguided and even evil.

In the words of Sartre and later Dostoyevsky,  “If there is no God, everything is permitted.” Thus to stop and prevent atrocities from ever happening, we all have to have the same standard for morality, one that never changes, one that is just and true for eternity, one that says that God created every man and woman in his image. One that says that there is worth, dignity, and beauty in every human being, including those yet to be born. 

We need the never-changing, righteous, and objective morality of God to guide our every decision. The way we feel about what we see in the world is an indication that there is a real God who has instilled in us discernment to know right and wrong, good and evil. The very repulsion that we have against war crimes is pointing out that there is true justice, true morality, and a loving God whom one day will judge and make things right for eternity. 

As Dr. William Lane Craig puts it, “God exists because objective moral values exist” as such, one day, He will judge every perpetrator of crimes against humanity. God will also hold accountable those who enabled and permitted these horrible acts to take place either on the battlefield, concentration camps, or in the womb. 

BOOK: A Debate on God and Morality

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